Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Sogobujutsu is truly an “original” MMA (Mixed Martial Art).  It is composed of the same martial disciplines, which make up the military skills required by the bushi (warriors) of feudal Japan.  They are still taught from the combat mindset for use in “real life” self-defense.
Sogobujutsu means an “integrated” martial art.  The word “sogo” translates best into English as “holistic,” which means, “relating to, or concerned with, a complete system rather tan parts of system.”  This means students of Heishin-Ryu Sogobujutsu are studying a complete Bujutsu (martial art), which covers all the ranges encountered in actual combat.
The art of Heishin-Ryu (Calm Spirt School) Sogobujutsu is comprised of four major martial ryu (disciplines):  Tejutsu (Striking Arts), Jujutsu (Grappling Arts), Bukijutsu (Weapon Arts) and Heihojutsu (Strategy Arts).
The word “Budokan” means, “A place to study the Martial Way.”  Traditional Japanese Martial Arts are renowned for providing truly effective self-protections skills, plus a lifetime of personal growth.  It is our honor to share these benefits with you.
To maximize our effectiveness, we think is important for prospective students to understand our philosophy and how best to work with our schools to provide the learning experience for you.